"Love is the only thing you can really give in all this world. When you give love, you give everything"
~ Theodore Dreiser
I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Valentine's Day!
It was so refreshing to have no expectations that I actually enjoyed my best Valentine's,
sharing & receiving love with my friends throughout the day was like a 24 hour hug!
Have you ever heard a word for the first time, or learned about something new and then all of sudden it's popping up everywhere in conversations, on the radio, in an article?
Coincidence or newfound awareness?
Back in December at a screening for August: Osage County this actor came on the screen & I was struck by his unique look. He reminded me of someone, another actor, a younger version. It totally began to distract me as I racked my brain. Then it hit me - he must be Dennis Quaid's son, but wait, did Dennis Quaid have a 20-something son? Who acts?
Is it Dennis Quaid? Nooooo, it can't be...is it?
Well, he kinda looks like him, but more interesting.
I was completely struck by this actor. Every time he was on the screen I couldn't take my eyes off him! I wouldn't say he's handsome in a traditional Hollywood sense, but there was something entrancing about him.
As the credits rolled my eyes were glued to the screen,
who is this mystery man? I gotta know!
Benedict Cumberbatch
And just like that, he was everywhere I looked!
(Apparently I've been in a bit of a black hole for a while, as he is NOT new to the scene)
As my friends listed off everywhere I could've seen him, many project of which I have seen, I wondered what it was about him now that caught me so off guard & stole my attention.
Cut to this weekend, peacefully enjoying my dating hiatus, I found myself with time to catch up on some movies.
I popped in 12 Years a Slave & there he was again!!!
(was a lil thankful for the temporary distraction).
Definitely a movie worth seeing, but man it's such a heavy topic matter! My mind was left thinking about the reality of life then & how as a person living in 2014 I can't quite comprehend their 'justified' behavior against another human being just based on their skin color. Its just vicious & to see it breaks you open to the realities.
I sat there for along time after.
I couldn't leave my Saturday night ending on that note, I needed something uplifting to balance my mood.
As I surfed my Netflix, there he was again!! ;)
Yep, it was time for Sherlock!
There was bingeing, lots of bingeing.
Followed by some high action detective-ing dreams
I am officially obsessed with this series.
The writing - quick, smart
The camera work - pure art
Watson - wry, witty, & c'mon he's Bilbo!
It's London
It's moody, it's quirky
It's London
It's moody, it's quirky
What's not to love?!
I only wish there was more.
I must space the remaining episodes out now, as I already fear withdrawals.
Here's a lil snippet of a recent interview he gave...enjoy! (ahhh the accent, & he's funny to top it off...swoon)
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