Saturday, June 1, 2013

Ahhhh the Sweet smell of Summer has arrived....

Wait, what??! It's June??!!
 Yep,  the days are longer, the sun feels warmer, & the birds are chirping really early in the morning, I think its here...
That familiar sense of endless possibilities is surrounding me, hugging me ~ mmhmm yep, that's that SUMMER feeling 
 & this year I couldn't be more ready for some summer FUN!!

Life has been pretty hectic these past few months & I'll admit it was a welcomed craziness! I dove head first in to work, into my business, & into anything to avoid feeling my way through my heartache.
And it worked for a while, but when I came up for air the heartache was still there...
I knew I needed to face it, but I knew I needed help.

So, as if I wasn't busy enough, I enrolled back in with my amazing dating coach, 
Marni Battista. 
I knew no one would tell me straight up like it is & make me believe in myself enough again like she could! With her previous coaching, I had experienced my first true love, but now as I was experiencing my first true heartbreak I needed guidance to get out of the fog.

It has truly been a roller coaster of emotions these past few months & as a reformed "frequent avoider" of facing my feelings, it has been scary, uncomfortable & exhilarating!

Two summer's ago, Marni & I finished up our work together & out into the dating world she sent me ~ a more confident & self-loving version of me.
And it worked! 
Once I had learned to love myself & saw the goodness I could bring to a relationship, the men started showing up.
A particularly wonderful man caught my attention quickly & it lead to an amazing summer!
(I'll save you from all the stories, but if you want to read'em they're at )

We lasted a year. 
Maybe the timing was off, maybe it ran its course, I can only speak from my experience, that it will always be a year I treasure & hold close to my heart.
I learned to love & be loved and it was beautiful.

Needless to say that lead to the not-so-best summer of my life last year...

Now that we've circled around to another summer, I am ready to love fully, madly & deeply again!!!
I'm excited to be back writing again & will be sharing all the fun adventures, mishaps, & insights that dating at 39 brings!!!

I am taking on this summer with an open heart & an open mind!
Love could be anywhere!
Yes, I'll be looking online, maybe going a round or 2 at speed dating, meet-ups, you name it ~ it's all going to be about being out LIVING A LIFE I LOVE!

That being said, I am also open to meeting any fine gentlemen you may know. 
If you know me & know someone who you think may be a good match, why not introduce us? ;)

A couple of friends have done just that & it been fun meeting new men.
The 1st guy was my "getting back in the saddle" guy, there's always gotta be that guy, right? ;)
It was fun to be out connecting, flirting, conversing, but not a match.
This 2nd guy is very nice...we'll see... 

I feel lots of adventures await & you'll get to be along for the ride!
Stay tuned.
I've gotta run ~ a BBQ at the beach is waiting


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