Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 ~ a Dating Year in Review

Ahhhhh, as promised the "Best of 2013"
Seems like everyone is compiling their lists of "Top 10 _________ of 2013", so I figured why not give a shout out to all the fun this year of dating has brought!
I chose my order of ranking not by the men & our compatibility, but on the experience of our time together...some were a blip, some short & sweet, other's I at least remember their name ;)
Here we go...

#10. Didn't Have to Leave my Couch Guy ~
ok, I'll admit I did get off the couch to do my happy dance when he stood me up! 
We met at speed dating, got the email "we're a match", the texting began, which led to the phone call to plan our date, or so I thought...it actually turned into an hour & 1/2 whine-fest about his life, saved by my "dying" battery we left it in his court to pick our restaurant & was never heard from again - YES!! Cracked open a bottle of wine & had the best date in with myself!

#9. The Napper ~
You gotta wonder when at some point in every conversation we had he talks about his naps - how often is this guy awake? I woke him up one too many times...

#8. The Sext-er ~
the 1st Tinder casualty, he had the amazing talent of turning every conversation sexual, even when I'd call him out on it, he'd slide right into sext-er mode.
We never even made it to voice-on-voice contact...

#7. Slouching Buddha ~
the name says it all

#6. Mr. Accent ~
ok, we all know I'm a sucker for an accent, especially a British one, throw in tall, wears glasses & is an artist, I was a goner...
if only we had found common interests to share, oh & I wasn't bored out of my mind...cheerio

#5. The Nice Guy ~
what can I say, he was a very nice guy...just not "my" nice guy. Thank you for some lovely evenings! There's a nice gal out there for you :)

#4. The Vanisher ~
probably the most enjoyable date of the year conversationally...never to return again

#3. The Cheshire Cat ~
a mixture of characters this gentleman was as he regaled me with tales of his directing feats, for movies of the week are  
 such creative faire. As he puffed on his electric cigarette, the red glow was all I could see...was he? Could he be? The hookah-smoking Caterpillar? Or, no wait! I recognize that floating grin, for its the Cheshire Cat in the dark corner of the hipster bar Wonderland...

#2. Mr. Fun ~
I like to refer to him as my "palate cleanser".
He arrived after a series of blah dates & invigorated my dating spirit! Lots of laughs, 
a great kisser & quite the tequila connoisseur - ole!

Drum rollllllllll please...
& the #1 spot for best date experience 2013 goes toooooooo

#1. Mr. A.D.D. ~
what can I say? You never know whats gonna happen next! 
From impromptu drinks to elegant dining, racing through the city streets on the back of his bike to warm & cozy by the fire...fun & exciting, yet lacking focused connection, but hey I can focus in other areas...let's get on the bike & go! Such a rush!

So there you have it ~ the top 10 men of 2013!

On the line-up for 2014 ~ warming up in the on deck circle...
Our conversations (email/text/phone) have been had, 
now its down to in person...batter up!

Here's their stats ~
The Librarian ~ new in town, this Canadian librarian has blue eyes & book smarts...I could get lost in this combo.
The Restauranteur ~ genuine smile, witty & quite charming...only thing is - he sounds exactly like my gay boyfriend Marc on the phone...let's hope in person he's straight!
The 2nd Time Around Guy ~ a few years out of his divorce, 2 teenage kids, seems stable, had a great 1st date, makes me laugh...we'll see :)

While it looks like I'll have to wait another year to experience my 1st New Year's Eve kiss,
I have a really great feeling about the year ahead!!
And sure, there may still be some frogs along the way, but the romantic in me believes love might just be around the corner...

Until then I wish you all a happy, healthy & wonderful 2014!!!
I leave you with one of my all-time favorite "feel good" movie scenes ~ enjoy!!!

Happy New Year!!!!!

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