Monday, August 5, 2013

Set-ups, solo dates, & flashbacks from the past...

Ok, I'm back at it!
Online flirting that is ;)
Always, gotta keep in practice, right?
So far, not so good in the response department, soooo I'm going with we're not a match on all counts.

I will admit to getting confused by the guys who do pick you as a "match" via OkCupid's "Quick Match" system, yet when you get notified that you both chose each other, they don't make a move.
So, I'll throw a quick lil note out there to said match...nothing.
Huh? Why?

It can all be very confusing.
I try to not interpret actions or non-actions, but you gotta wonder sometimes people's motivations.
Best to keep it at screen value ~ what's said is what's meant, no action means no action, eventually someone who wants to chat will come along.
A friend sent me a link to an article about about modern dating.
It mostly pertained to the Millennial Generation, but it still made me sad.
The art of dating & courting a mate is disappearing, 
while 20-somethings just continue in hook-up mode from college or group dates.
A whole generation may never go on a proper date!! Its CRAZY!!

It seems gone is the actual verbal asking for a date, most guys seem to text or email & usually without much notice, according to the article.
I am SO thankful to not be a part of that generation!
Especially since I've been "trying out" the older gentlemen, they have all picked up the phone & asked me out (only 1 resorted to text & he was weeded out quickly).
Of course with their calling, it meant I actually had to pick up the phone - eek!- (& not screen it), which I proudly & nervously did :)
I'm not a phone person, never have been, even in high school. I like to use it to make the plans, & we'll chat in person, so I try to keep the conversations short & sweet.
I will admit it is great to put a voice to the words you've been reading though.
It helps the daydreams seem more real.

It also brought up the FOMO theory. 
I'll agree with my friend that it has always been around to some extent, but I feel the internet & online dating have made the Fear Of Missing Out more pronounced.
It has hyper-sensitized the fear of settling, I mean there's soooooo many options now, with each click an even better woman or man could be waiting, while you just skim over one who's good, but not 110% good....

Which leads me to pondering the "mathematical" matching systems they use on these sites...I've been shopping my matches & of course they see if you click on their profile, so at what percentage of a match is he worth clicking on? 75%? 80%? Only 90% & above make the cut?
I used to figure 85% & up was good, but then my clicks I was attracted to were getting few & far between, so I've lowered it to the 80% match tile, with high friend %'s too.
I figure that's in the "B" range, right?
That's a hopeful amount for connection, right?
I'm open to your suggestions ;)

Ok, enough with the online! Time to join the real world!
It was solo date night on Saturday & I had a blast!
I hadn't treated just myself out in quite a while, so it was a refreshing change.
Now it wasn't the intended plan for the evening, but all my friends were busy & I saw no point to my tickets going to waste. So I packed up my bag & off to the outdoor screening of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" I went.

Had a good book to keep me company til the sun set, munched on my popcorn & drank my wine. It was divine.

No awkward lulls in conversation. No worries if they were enjoying themselves. It was just me getting to soak up the gorgeous-ness of a crisp LA night, watching 2 wonderful actresses light up the screen.

Its so fun to watch Marilyn Monroe oooooze her femininity. Sure, sometimes she uses to get what she wants, but there's something so amazing in watching a woman own her beauty & curves.
She was smart at playing dumb, you always know she knew what she was doing. So talented.

We always fight so hard to be taken seriously today, but I'd much rather see strength from men than fight to be their equal. I love the men/women dynamics of the older movies!
I feel I probably have lamented this before...

Ah yes, Ms Monroe ~ "I'm very definitely a woman & I enjoy it!"

So, from solo dates, I jumped to well-crafted brunch with friends on Sunday for a "chance" meeting with a friend's co-worker, who he thought would be a great match.
Cute, very funny, same industry (which is a good & bad thing).
Thankfully, I don't think he was aware of the brunch's intention.
So much less pressure to "perform" ;)
I know I don't do well in groups, especially when most are strangers. I tend to be the quiet, listening one when surrounded by a large group of big boisterous personalities, like this one. 
It was hard not to "over-mimosa" to compensate, but thankfully I resisted the urge.
If anything, I got to know the group better & maybe a seed was planted...
I always appreciate my friend looking to hook a girl up!

And, of course right on cue, enters the guy I was dating right before I met my ex - a previous hook up attempt from same friend's...I shoulda figured he'd be there.
Oops, sorry I never returned your calls or texts, I got busy being swept off my how've you been?
Slightly awkward...but my bubbly buzz helped ;)

Well that about sums up this past week, can't wait to see what/who lies ahead this week!

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