Friday, February 1, 2013

Heeelllllooooooo LOVE month...

It's a lil hard to believe we've hit February already! 
It didn't help that I spent half of January freaking out that time was slipping away. 
I had the year half over by the 2nd week of Jan., which put me into overdrive.

I will say January was a pretty scary month, but in a good scary kind of way.
 I think I had more quesy stomach anxiety days than not, but in reality those are the best days to be having. Ok, yes I'll admit in the moment I wished for each of those days to be over, but the day after always came & I always felt stronger. 
I've decided this year is all about getting uncomfortable & really pushing towards all that I desire! 

Oh, idea coming to me ~ maybe I'll have you guys, my loyal readers, hold me accountable? Oiy, that sounds scary, but will you?

Alright, I'm gonna lay it out for you, since dreams don't come true if no one knows they exist...
Here's the top 3
* 2013 is the year I GROW Ch*Armz with new products  & expand into the wholesale/retail market - goal to be in 50 boutiques by year's end
* TRAVEL!!!! I need to explore, get inspired, & step out my daily routine. I MUST see new things!!
* Find my LOVE & experience the joys of sharing life with him

So those are just the basic of basics for now, I'll try & keep you posted on the progress ;)
But if you don't hear from me, feel free to call me on it!

To summarize January, I would say it was a working month, which I guess isn't a bad way to start the year. My company got into 2 new showrooms - yay! 
Exciting & terrifying ~ I feel like a new mom &  hope everyone likes my baby.
Growing pains...

I was hoping to have some juicy dating stories for you, but I got nothing.
A girlfriend from work & I were going to go for a round of speed-dating, but that got 
cancelled 4 hours before it was scheduled to start...wah, wah, wah...

I had to turn down a date, due to my work schedule, but I wasn't sure how much I wanted to go anyways. On his online profile he answered most of the questions, but he also put up his reel & links to his credits ~ couldn't decide if that was beyond tacky? Egomaniacal? Typical LA? Or showed chutzpah?
What scared me more was that I even entertained the thought of that being ok, justifying that behavior...

I did get an invite to coffee from a very nice gentleman from dance class, mind you he's 70. 
I was saved by the advanced dance class I was staying for, otherwise I would've gone for the companionship ;)
Good lord, imagine if he made a move... :0

Which this brings me to my swing dance classes ~ I've been going every week and in the past I've had a lot of fun going & learning the steps, getting the basics down, but this time I've found myself a lil sad during the classes.
As I mentioned I'm taking the advanced class, so the steps are getting harder, there's more to be coordinating with your partner.
Since I go alone to the class, we rotate partners. Some are good, some are not.
I enjoyed learning with others before, it helped me be ready for anything, but 
now I long to find a rhythm with one man.
I want us to create our style together, to move seamlessly to the music as one, like Ginger Rogers & Fred Astaire.

My mom has told me stories from when she was a child about 
Grandma & Popp-o turning on their radio and dancing in their living room.
Part of me has always dreamed of evenings like that.

The beautiful Nadine Rose & Gerhardt Gabbert

 Best I can do is to keep on learning the steps & one day it'll be my living room that's the hopping-ist joint in town ;)

Til then, it's time to pour a glass of wine & go online date shopping

Love always, Gram & Popp-o